Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today my step-father came home from the hospital. I'm so grateful that he's going to be OK. The way everything happened it is truly a miracle that he is at home right now. Thank you God!!!

I have to say today was a challenging day for me. I've just been continuing to learn more about Etsy. The more I do, the more I love it. I never thought I would be blogging too. Wow! things can definitely change in a blink of an eye. ;)

I have a very large show coming up on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of Febuary, and I really need to get more work done. I did put more items on my site today and will continue to add more everyday, so keep watching!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day to go down in history!!

Yesterday I wrote about things that I'm grateful for and if you follow my blog you should expect a lot of the same.

When I read the book A New Earth by Echart Tolle, it was a hard book to read at first, and then it became a hard book to put down. I had so many light bulb moments when reading it, it instantly started changing my perspective on things, people, and pretty much life in general. I always felt so judged and then I realized that it was me judging myself far above what anybody else could do to me. By judging myself so harshly what I thought was through other peoples eye, I was actually judging them, because unless they told me how they felt about me, I really didn't know. It's really never safe to assume anything, because given our world, so full of negativity, it's almost brainwashed in us to believe the worst.

The way that I have made positive movement forward is by simply trying to look at every situation with baby eyes, so to speak. Like I'm looking at not just another person for the first time, but people in general, if that makes sense to you. The reason I do that is to try to break down all those labels that society, history, or other people put on things, and simply use a fresh perspective to help determine my thoughts. Breaking down those barriers, one baby step at a time.

With that being said, today is definately a day for the history books. I'm so hopeful for not just my future, but also the future of our nation. Change, expecially now is what our nation really needs. I'm so happy to be alive right now because like it or not.......change is coming.

I have such high hope for President Obama.......I can honestly say On this day I'm proud to be an American

Monday, January 19, 2009

Feeling Blessed Today!!

Feeling very blessed today!

My step father had a stroke and a heart attach yesterday and is gonna be ok. He had a warning and then went to the hospital and was in the hospital when he was having his heart attach. He went in for emergency surgery and the Doctor said he was one of the luckiest guys he's ever seen. I would like to think that their was more to it than that. God......Prayer....Faith....Love....need I say more.

I try to always remain a positive and happy person. Something that I borrowed from Sylvia Brown I like to say to myself all the time and it is:Every step I take I'm going to plant a column of light that goes staight up to GOD!!

* I'm very greatful because I now have my own website

I'm now selling on Etsy (which is an awesome site!!!)

* I have my Jewelry showcasing at the Michigan Women's Historical Center and Hall of Fame.

* I have my Jewelry in an Art Gallery in Lansing called the Absolute Gallery!!

* I have the Lansing, MI Women's Expo coming up in Feb.

I do this thing with my daughter every morning as I take her to school. First I always ask her what she is greatful for today! And the thing she always says first is that she is sooo greatful that she has such a large family so she can give out more hugs and kisses. Wow!! and then she proceeds to tell me the rest. I then go through my extensive list, and it just starts the day out better. It put's a new perspective on things. Here is just a small amount of things I put on my list to be greatful for.

*God *Family *Friends *The ability to love *The ability to be loved *The Earth (and all that implies) *A new day to make a difference in another person's life. *Eye's that work * Ear's that hear *A voice that can speak *Legs that still carry my weight * The ability to create something beautiful with my own hands *Change *The ability to learn and grow and become better......because that is really what we all do. *Even the ability to be greatful for the things that challange us because they may make us more compassionate, understanding, enlightened, or just plain old better.

I write about all these things that I'm greatful for because in my life, just like yours as well, there are a lot of things that I struggle with, but I choose to only focus on the good. If we are sooo focused on the good in our lives there is no more room left over to focus on the bad.

In closing my daily message is to look at anything that is in your life today that you are greatful for, lets do this one day at a time, but let's do it!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hello and welcome to Rachele's Originals Blog!

Please bare with me for this is my first Blog ever and very new to blogging and not really sure what to So I'll just start by telling you about myself and my business and my passion for creating. Show you some of my work and answer questions if you have any. If you have comments or suggestions I definately welcome them all.